We've been back a while now but me n Claire had a great time in barcelona. Went to Can Piaxano http://www.canpaixano.com
Very cool place. Drank too much Cava and ate too many sea creatures. Hotel 1898 was ace! Rooftop bar cost a few quid though.
Works going great. Heres a not very good drawing of Yoda for a CN idea I did a while ago. I made the huge mistake of drawing his saber the wrong colour. I'm surrounded by geeks!
6 comments → two out of ten
Watch it... Us geeks will cut off yer goulies! Maybe Yoda is colourblind?
How dare you sir!!!
Great work! really nice!
what color is his lightsaber ?
I wouldn't know.
it may very well be gray in your storyboard.
Yoda looks pissed off with something !?
ohhh niiiiceee i like itt!!
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