• More rough stuff

    Heres a few more brush things and my first go at painter. I did it ages ago and I've not had cause to use the program since. Its great though if a little slow on my machine. Most things are a little slow on my machine.
    Also I dug up a colour model from the pilot I did in Flash. Hopefully someone will give us money to make the series.

    6 comments → More rough stuff

    1. The guy with the flashlight is great!

    2. The brush painting is loverly and free. The little guy with the flashlight rocks, and the painter portrait is swell. That wide eyed face has a skewed feel that works well. Great stuff!

    3. Many thanks...fingers crossed we get the show off the ground.

    4. Jez, I love the economy of it all.

    5. Great portraits. I really have to get the hang of Painter. So far I am a bit frustrated with it, but with your and my friends doing such nice things with it, I must give it another go.

    6. Painters like most other apps really. Don't rely on it and have a mind to working traditionally. Hopefully I'll get to spend more time with it in the future.

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I've worked in animation for 23 years. Specialising in storyboard and design. I've also directed, animated and art directed on various shows.